Support Resources
The Krames Health Library provides access to articles and fact sheets on health topics. Search health topics, such as cold or flu symptoms, dementia, and diabetes.
Our Nurse Advice Line is ready to answer your health questions 24 hours a day – every day of the year. It is staffed with registered nurses. These nurses have spent lots of time caring for people. Now they are ready and eager to help you. Call toll free 1-877-644-4623 (TTY: 711) and follow the prompts to be directly connected.
Caregiving Glossary
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
- Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Center
- You can find educational videos created by the UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Program. The videos cover:
- Sundowning
- Wandering
- Bathing
- Repetition
- Hallucinations
- Refusal to take medications
- has material about the diagnosis, training and support for caregivers.
- The Family Caregiver Alliance put together a fact sheet to help caregivers understand behaviors typical of those living with dementia.
- Home safety tips by the Alzheimer’s Association
Coping with Challenging Behaviors
- Dealing with Difficult Behavior fact sheet from the National Caregivers Library
- Behavior and Emotions of Aging - Family Caregivers Online
- Behavior Management Strategies - Family Caregiver Alliance
Legal Topics to Consider
End of Life
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Talk or Text: 988
24-Hour Kansas Crisis Call Lines
Community Mental Health Centers 24-Hour Hotlines - Compassionate and local assistance to people in any type of crisis
Friendship Line
A crisis hotline and a warmline for non-urgent calls. This line provides support services such as:
- Suicide prevention
- Emotional support
- Elder abuse prevention and therapy
- Well-being checks
- Grief support
- Information and referrals for older adults or adults with disabilities - 1-800-971-0016
Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Support Line
211 Program

The 2-1-1 program is a free, private service to help find local resources, including:
- Food and nutrition programs
- Shelter and housing resources
- Utilities support
- Disaster relief
- Employment
- Addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs
- Reentry support for ex-offenders
- Support groups
- Safe help out of an abusive situation
Call 2-1-1 to speak with a service expert in your area.
Sunflower Health Plan Crisis Line
Sunflower Health Plan can help! Call us at toll free 1-877-644-4623 (TTY: 711) for more information.
- Caregiver Nation
- Caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias
- Smart Patients Caregiver Community
- A partnership between Family Caregiver Alliance and Smart Patients to create an online community for individuals and their caregivers.
- Find a nearby support group by calling your local Area Agency on Aging or using the Eldercare Locator
- AARP Online Caregiver Community
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia Specific: ALZConnected®
- Caregiver Action Network’s Care Community
Caring for someone is rarely easy and can take much of your time. To help care for a loved one, caregivers need to make time to care for themselves.
Keep in mind the tips below to help you take care of yourself:
- No one is perfect. You will make mistakes.
- Many emotions surface when you are caring for another.
- Depression is a common experience while caregiving.
- Think you may be affected by caregiver depression? Read more about Depression - What it is and What it is Not
- Give yourself and your loved one honest expectations.
- Use the info and resources available to you.
- Know the skills needed to care for your loved one. Be honest about what you can and cannot do.
- Learn to say No.
- Take help from others.
- Be resilient.
- Know your own stress triggers.
- For successful coping:
- Eat right
- Exercise
- Sleep
Taking Care of YOU: Self-Care for Family Caregivers Fact Sheet
Nutrition Resources:
Other Resources:
- AARP - Brain Injury Association of America - Caregiver Action Network (CAN) - Dementia/Alzheimer’s
1-800-272-3900 - Disability - Eldercare Locator
1.800.677.1116 - Family Caregiver Alliance
1-800-445-8106 - Medicaid - Medicare - MedlinePlus: End of Life Issues - National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) - Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) - Serious Mental Illness
1-800-950-NAMI (6264) - Stroke
1-800-STROKES (787-6537) - U.S. Living Will Registry®