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Clinical & Payment Policies

Clinical Policies

Clinical policies are one set of guidelines used to assist in administering health plan benefits, either by prior authorization or payment rules. They include but are not limited to policies relating to evolving medical technologies and procedures. Clinical policies help identify whether services are medically necessary based on information found in generally accepted standards of medical practice; peer-reviewed medical literature; government agency/program approval status; evidence-based guidelines and positions of leading national health professional organizations; views of physicians practicing in relevant clinical areas affected by the policy; and other available clinical information.

Not all policies found in the Sunflower Health Plan Clinical Policy Manual apply to all Sunflower Health Plan members. Sunflower policies are applied according to member eligibility and medical necessity criteria as defined in policy CP.MP.68. Policies in the Sunflower Health Plan Clinical Policy Manual may have either a Sunflower or a “Centene” heading. Sunflower utilizes InterQual® criteria for those medical technologies, procedures or pharmaceutical treatments for which a Sunflower clinical policy does not exist. InterQual is a nationally recognized evidence-based decision support tool. You may access the InterQual® SmartSheet(s)™ for Adult and Pediatric procedures, durable medical equipment and imaging procedures by logging into the secure provider portal or by calling Sunflower. In addition, Sunflower may from time to time delegate utilization management of specific services; in such circumstances, the delegated vendor’s guidelines may also be used to support medical necessity and other coverage determinations. Other non-clinical policies (e.g., payment policies) or contract terms may further determine whether a technology, procedure or treatment that is not addressed in the Clinical Policy Manuals or InterQual®criteria is payable by Sunflower Health Plan.

If you have any questions regarding these policies, please contact Customer Service and ask to be directed to the Medical Management department.

Clinical Policies

Policy NumberPolicy Title
CP.MP.92Acupuncture (PDF)
CP.MP.124ADHD Assessment and Treatment (PDF)
CPG GridAdopted Clinical Practice and Preventive Health Guidelines (PDF)
CP.MP.175Air Ambulance (PDF)
CP.MP.108Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplants for Sickle Cell Anemia and Beta-Thalassemia (PDF)
CP.MP.158Ambulatory Surgery Center Optimization (PDF)
CP.MP.26Articular Cartilage Defect Repairs (PDF)
CP.MP.55Assisted Reproductive Technology (PDF)
CP.MP.37Bariatric Surgery (PDF)
CP.MP.168Biofeedback (PDF)
CP.MP.93Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (PDF)
CP.MP.110Bronchial Thermoplasty (PDF)
CP.MP.186Burn Surgery (PDF)
CP.MP.164Caudal or Interlaminar Epidural Steroid Injections (PDF)
CP.MP.94Clinical Trials (PDF)
CP.MP.14Cochlear Implant Replacements (PDF)
CP.MP.31Cosmetic and Reconstructive Procedures (PDF)
CP.MP.203Diaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve Stimulation (PDF)
CP.MP.114Disc Decompression Procedures (PDF)
CP.MP.115Discography (PDF)
CP.MP.101Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (PDF)
CP.MP.107Durable Medical Equipment and Orthotics and Prosthetics Guidelines (DME) (PDF)
CP.MP.145Electric Tumor Treating Fields (Optune) (PDF)
CP.MP.36Experimental Technologies (PDF)
CP.VP.26Extended Ophthalmoscopy (PDF)
CP.MP.171Facet Joint Interventions (PDF)
CP.MP.248Facility-based Sleep Studies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (PDF)
CP.MP.137Fecal Incontinence Treatments (PDF)
CP.MP.130Fertility Preservation (PDF)
CP.MP.129Fetal Surgery In Utero For Prenatally Diagnosed Malformations (PDF)
CP.MP.43Functional MRI (PDF)
CP.MP.40Gastric Electrical Stimulation (PDF)
CP.MP.95Gender-Affirming Procedures (PDF)
CP.MP.132Heart-Lung Transplant (PDF)
CP.MP.136Home Births (PDF)
CP.MP.184 Home Ventilators (PDF)
CP.MP.54Hospice Services (PDF)
CP.MP.62Hyperhidrosis Treatments (PDF)
CP.MP.180Implantable Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (PDF)
CP.MP.173Implantable Intrathecal or Epidural Pain Pump (PDF)
CP.MP.160Implantable Wireless Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring (PDF)
CP.MP.243Implantable Loop Recorder (PDF)
CP.MP.69Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (PDF)
CP.MP.58Intestinal and Multivisceral Transplant (PDF)
CP.MP.167Intradiscal Steroid Injections for Pain Management (PDF)
CP.MP.61IV Moderate Sedation, IV Deep Sedation, and General Anesthesia for Dental Procedures (PDF)
CP.MP.250 Lantidra (donislecel): Allogeneic Pancreatic Islet Cellular Therapy (PDF)
CP.MP.244Liposuction for Lipedema (PDF)
CP.MP.71Long Term Care Placement (PDF)
CP.MP.57Lung Transplantation (PDF)
CP.MP.116Lysis of Epidural Lesions (PDF)
CP.MP.144Mechanical Stretching Devices for Joint Stiffness and Contracture (PDF)
CP.MP.24Multiple Sleep Latency Testing (PDF)
CP.MP.86Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Guidelines (PDF)
CP.MP.85Neonatal Sepsis Management (PDF)
CP.MP.170Nerve Blocks and Neurolysis for Pain Management (PDF)
CP.MP.48Neuromuscular and Peroneal Nerve Electrical Stimulation (NMES) (PDF)
CP.MP.82NICU Apnea Bradycardia Guidelines (PDF)
CP.MP.81NICU Discharge Guidelines (PDF)
CP.MP.141Nonmyeloablative Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplants (PDF)
CP.MP.91Obstetrical Home Care Programs (PDF)
CP.MP.249Omisirge (omidubicel): Nicotinamide-Modified Allogeneic Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Therapy (PDF)
CP.MP.239Oncology Circulating Tumor DNA and Circulating Tumor Cells (Liquid Biopsy)
CP.MP.202Orthognathic Surgery (PDF)
CP.MP.194Osteogenic Stimulation
CP.MP.176Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation (PDF)
CP.MP.190Outpatient Oxygen Use (PDF)
CP.MP.102Pancreas Transplantation (PDF)
CP.MP.109Panniculectomy (PDF)
CP.MP.138Pediatric Heart Transplant (PDF)
CP.MP.246Pediatric Kidney Transplant (PDF)
CP.MP.120Pediatric Liver Transplant (PDF)
CP.MP.188Pediatric Oral Function Therapy (PDF)
CP.MP.147Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device for Stroke Prevention (PDF)
CP.MP.150Phototherapy For Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia (PDF)
CP.MP.49Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Services (PDF)
CP.MP.133Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation For Voiding Dysfunction (PDF)
CP.MP.70Proton and Neutron Beam Therapies (PDF)
CP.MP.148Radial Head Implant (PDF)
CP.MP.51Reduction Mammoplasty and Gynecomastia Surgery (PDF)
CP.MP.210Repair of Nasal Valve Compromise (PDF)
CP.MP.126Sacroiliac Joint Fusion (PDF)
CP.MP.166Sacroiliac Joint Interventions for Pain Management (PDF)
CP.MP.146Sclerotherapy and Chemical Endovenous Ablation for Varicose Veins and Other Symptomatic Venous Disorders (PDF)
CP.MP.174Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy for Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy (PDF)
CP.MP.165Selective Nerve Root Blocks and Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections (PDF)
CP.MP.182Short Inpatient Hospital Stay (PDF)
CP.MP.185Skin and Soft Tissue Substitutes for Chronic Wounds (PDF)
CP.MP.117Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nerve, and Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (PDF)
CP.MP.22Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (PDF)
CP.MP.162Tandem Transplant (PDF)
CP.MP.87Therapeutic Utilization of Inhaled Nitric Oxide (PDF)
CP.MP.127Total Artificial Heart (PDF)
CP.MP.163Total Parenteral Nutrition and Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition (PDF)
CP.MP.151Transcatheter Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale (PDF)
CP.MP.247Transplant Service Documentation Requirements (PDF)
CP.MP.169Trigger Point Injections for Pain Management (PDF)
CP.MP.142Urinary Incontinence Devices and Treatments (PDF)
CP.MP.12Vagus Nerve Stimulation (PDF)
CP.MP.46Ventricular Assist Devices (PDF)
V1.2024Concert Genetic Testing: Aortopathies and Connective Tissue Disorders (PDF)
V1.2024Concert Genetic Testing: Cardiac Disorders (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Dermatologic Conditions (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Epilepsy Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Conditions (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Exome and Genome Sequencing for Dx of Genetic Disorders (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Eye Disorders (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Gastroenterologic Disorders non cancerous (PDF)
V1.2024Concert Genetic Testing: General Approach to Genetic and Molecular Testing
Concert Genetic Testing: Hearing Loss (PDF)
V1.2024Concert Genetic Testing: Hematologic Conditions non cancerous (PDF)
V1.2024Concert Genetic Testing: Hereditary Cancer Susceptibility (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Immune Autoimmune and Rheumatoid Disorders (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Kidney Disorders (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Lung Disorders (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Metabolic Endocrine Mitochondrial Disorders (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Multisys Inherited Disorders IDD (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Non invasive Prenatal Screening (PDF)
Concert Genetic Oncology: Algorithmic Testing (PDF)
Concert Genetic Oncology: Cancer Screening (PDF)
Concert Genetic Oncology: Circulating Tumor DNA Tumor Cells Liquid Biopsy (PDF)
Concert Genetic Oncology: Cytogenetic Testing (PDF)
Concert Genetic Oncology: Mol Analysis Solid Tmrs Hem Malig (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Pharmacogenetics (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Prenatal and Preconception Carrier Screening (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Prenatal Diagnosis Pregnancy Loss (PDF)
Concert Genetic Testing: Skeletal Dysplasia Rare Bone Disorders (PDF)

For Ambetter information, please visit our Ambetter website.

For Ambetter information, please visit our Ambetter website.

For Medicare information, please visit our Medicare Prior Authorization website.

Specialty Pharmacy Policies

Please refer to the KDHE website for detailed information regarding clinical prior authorization criteria.

Please refer to the Wellcare By Allwell website for detailed information regarding our Medicare pharmacy policies.

For Ambetter information, please visit our Ambetter website.

Payment Policies

Health care claims payment policies are guidelines used to assist in administering payment rules based on generally accepted principles of correct coding.  They are used to help identify whether health care services are correctly coded for reimbursement.  Each payment rule is sourced by a generally accepted coding principle. They include, but are not limited to claims processing guidelines referenced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Publication 100-04, Claims Processing Manual for  physicians/non-physician practitioners, the CMS National Correct Coding Initiative policy manual (procedure-to-procedure coding combination edits and medically unlikely edits), Current Procedural Technology guidance published by the American Medical Association (AMA) for reporting medical procedures and services, health plan clinical policies based on the appropriateness of health care and medical necessity, and at times state-specific claims reimbursement guidance.

All policies found in the Sunflower Health Plan Payment Policy Manual apply with respect to Sunflower Health Plan members. Policies in the Sunflower Health Plan Payment Policy Manual may have either a Sunflower Health Plan or a “Centene” heading.  In addition, Sunflower Health Plan may from time to time employ a vendor that applies payment policies to specific services; in such circumstances, the vendor’s guidelines may also be used to determine whether a service has been correctly coded. Other policies (e.g., clinical policies) or contract terms may further determine whether a technology, procedure or treatment that is not addressed in the Payment Policy Manual is payable by Sunflower Health Plan.     

If you have any questions regarding these policies, please contact Customer Service and ask to be directed to the Medical Management department.

Policy #TitleDescription
KS.PP.50115-Day Readmission (PDF)Aims to incentivize providers to increase quality of care by denying payment to providers for preventable readmissions within 15 days of initial discharge.
CP.MP.15725-hydroxyvitamin D Testing in Children and Adolescents (PDF) 
CC.PP.5003-Day Payment Window (PDF)Aims to ensure that payment for the technical component of all outpatient diagnostic services and related non-diagnostic services are bundled with the claim for an inpatient stay when services are furnished within 3 calendar days.
CC.PP.030Add-on Code Billed Without Primary Code (PDF)The purpose of this policy is explain the parameters for add-on codes submitted on physician claims.
CP.MP.100Allergy Testing and Therapy (PDF) 
CC.PP.029Assistant Surgeon (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for procedures which are appropriate to be billed with the assistant surgeon modifier to be used in making payment decisions and administering benefits.
CC.PP.037Bilateral Procedures (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define the appropriate billing criteria for bilateral services.
CP.MP.156Cardiac Biomarker Testing (PDF) 
CC.PP.008Cerumen Removal (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define separate payment criteria for removal of impacted cerumen to be used by Health Plan in making payment decisions and administering benefits.
CC.PP.021Clean Claims (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define the minimum claim submission requirements for claims submitted to the health plan for processing from all providers, including facilities (e.g., hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers) and professional providers (e...
CC.PP.013Clinical Validation of Modifier 25 (PDF)The policy applies to the use of modifier 25; which should only be used to indicate that a “significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service (was provided) by the same physician on the same day of the procedure or other service.”
CC.PP.014Clinical Validation of Modifier 59 (PDF)The policy applies to the use of modifier 59; which should only be used to indicate that two or more procedures are performed at different anatomic sites or different patient encounters.
CC.PP.011Coding Overview (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to serve as a reference guide for general coding and claims editing information.
CC.PP.024Cosmetic Procedures (PDF)Cosmetic procedures or procedures connected with the cosmetic surgery are not reimbursable. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) define cosmetic procedures as “any surgical procedure, directed at improving appearance, except when required ...
CP.MP.105Digital Electroencephalography Spike Analysis (PDF) 
CC.PP.020Distinct Procedural Modifiers: XE, XS, XP, & XU (PDF)The policy applies to use of 4 new modifiers to be used in place of modifier 59.
CP.MP.50Drugs of Abuse: Definitive Testing (PDF) 
CC.PP.044Duplicate Primary Code Billing (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria when a primary procedure code is billed in multiple quantities instead of the more appropriate "add-on" code.
CP.MP.155Electroencephalography in the Evaluation of Headache (PDF) 
CP.MP.106Endometrial Ablation (PDF) 
CC.PP.051E&M Medical Decision-Making (PDF)The policy discusses the appropriate assignment of moderate to high complexity E&M services with an emphasis on medical decision making as a key component of the assignment process.
CC.PP.010E&M Bundling (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for those physician services included in the payment for E/M services to be used by Health Plan in making payment decisions and administering benefits.
CP.MP.134Evoked Potential Testing (PDF) 
CP.MP.209Gastrointestinal Pathogen Nucleic Acid Detection Panel Testing (PDF) 
CC.PP.016Global Maternity Package (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to serve as a reference guide for coding global obstetrical package for reimbursement.
CP.MP.153Helicobacter Pylori Serology Testing (PDF) 
CP.MP.113Holter Monitors (PDF) 
CP.MP.121Homocysteine Testing (PDF) 
CC.PP.023Hospital Visit Codes Billed with Labs (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to serve as a reference guide for coding hospital visits with laboratory tests.
CC.PP.038Inpatient Consultation (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to outline how the health plan evaluates CPT consultation codes 99251-99255 and HCPCS codes G0406-G0408 for reimbursement, particularly identifying those that should have been billed at the appropriate level of subsequent hos...
CC.PP.018Inpatient Only Procedures (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to serve as a reference guide on procedures that will reimbursed as inpatient only services.
CC.PP.012Intravenous Hydration (PDF)According to the American Medical Association (AMA), CPT code 96360 is used to report intravenous (IV) infusions for hydration purposes. The code is used to report the first 31 minutes to 1 hour of hydration therapy. CPT code 96361 is used to report eac...
CP.MP.123Laser Therapy for Skin Conditions (PDF) 
CP.MP.139Low-frequency Ultrasound and Noncontact Normothermic Wound Therapy (PDF) 
CC.PP.007Maximum Units (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for the maximum units of service billed on a claim to be used by Health Plan in making payment decisions and administering benefits.
CP.MP.152Measurement of Serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (PDF) 
CC.PP.015Moderate Conscious Sedation (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to serve as a reference guide for coding drug induced depression of consciousness for reimbursement.
CC.PP.034Modifier DOS Validation (PDF)Providers append modifiers to procedures and services to indicate that a procedure or service has been altered by some circumstance, but the definition of the procedure or the procedure code itself is unchanged.
CC.PP.028Modifier to Procedure Code Validation (PDF)Providers append modifiers to procedures codes to indicate that a procedure or service has been altered by some circumstance, but the definition of the procedure or the procedure code itself is unchanged. This policy is relevant to modifiers identified a...
CC.PP.033Multiple CPT Code Replacement (PDF)When a single, more comprehensive procedure code exists to describe a service, the single more comprehensive code should be used versus multiple CPT codes.
CC.PP.031NCCI Unbundling (PDF)The health plan administers unbundling edits based on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI). The NCCI edit reimbursement methodologies dictate that when two relatable procedure codes are billed for...
CC.PP.017Never Paid Events (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to serve as a reference guide for Never Events for non-payment.
CC.PP.036New Patient (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria and appropriate use of the new patient evaluation and management (E&M) procedure codes.
CC.PP.060Not Medically Necessary Inpatient Professional Services (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for medical professional services when the inpatient facility admission is denied as not medically necessary.
CC.PP.039Outpatient Consultations (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to outline how the health plan evaluates CPT consultation codes 99241-99245 and HCPS codes G0425-G0427 for reimbursement, particularly identifying those that should have been billed at the appropriate level of office visit, e...
CP.MP.181Polymerase Chain Reaction Respiratory Viral Panel Testing (PDF) 
CP.MP.242Pulmonary Function Testing (PDF) 
CC.PP.041Pre-operative Visits (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for E&M services when billed with surgical procedures having a 000, 010 or 090, MMM, and ZZZ global period to be used in making payment decisions and administering benefits.
CC.PP.042Post-operative Visits (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for E&M services when billed with surgical procedures having a 000, 010 or 090, MMM, and ZZZ global period to be used in making payment decisions and administering benefits.
CC.PP.027Professional Component (PDF)Certain procedure codes represent both the technical and professional component of a procedure or service.
CC.PP.019Professional Services (Visit Codes) Billed With Labs (PDF)Providers may receive reimbursement for visit codes (evaluation and management services) in addition to a laboratory test, but only when the provider performs a distinct and separately identifiable service in addition to the test.
CC.PP.025Pulse Oximetry (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for pulse oximetry testing when billed separately from an office visit.
CC.PP.206Skilled Nursing Facility Leveling 
CC.PP.035Sleep Studies Place of Service (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define the appropriate place of service for sleep studies.
CC.PP.049Status B Bundled Services (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for covered services designated by CMS as always bundled to another procedure or service to be used in making payment decisions and administering benefits.
CC.PP.046Status P Bundled Services (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for covered services designated by CMS as always bundled to another physician's procedure or service to be used in making payment decisions and administering benefits.
CC.PP.032Supplies Billed on Same Day As Surgery (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for supplies billed on the same date as a surgical procedure to be used by the health plan in making payment decisions.
CP.MP.154Thyroid Hormones and Insulin Testing in Pediatrics (PDF) 
CP.MP.38Ultrasound in Pregnancy (PDF) 
KS.CP.MP.38Ultrasound in Pregnancy - KS (PDF)This policy outlines the medical necessity criteria for ultrasound use in pregnancy.
CC.PP.043Unbundled Professional Services (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for national specialty society surgical code pair edit relationships to be used in making payment decisions and administering benefits
CC.PP.045Unbundled Surgical Procedures (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define payment criteria for national specialty society surgical code pair edit relationships to be used in making payment decisions and administering benefits
CC.PP.009Unlisted Procedure Codes (PDF)Outlines the parameters and documentation requirements necessary when an unlisted or unspecified procedure code is utilized.
CP.MP.98Urodynamic Testing (PDF) 
CC.PP.040Visits On Same Day As Surgery (PDF)For purposes of this policy, “same day visits” address evaluation and management services that occur on the same day as the surgical procedure.
CP.MP.99Wheelchair Seating (PDF) 
CC.PP.502Wheelchairs and Accessories (PDF)The purpose of this policy is to define coverage criteria for options and accessories for manual and powered wheelchairs to be used by the Health Plan in making coverage decisions and administering benefits.
CP.MP.143Wireless Motility Capsule (PDF) 

Policy #Title
CC.PP.007Maximum Units (PDF)
CC.PP.008Cerumen Removal (PDF)
CC.PP.009Unlisted Procedure Codes (PDF)
CC.PP.010EM Bundling Edits (PDF)
CC.PP.011Coding Overview (PDF)
CC.PP.012IV Hydration (PDF)
CC.PP.013Modifier -25 clinical validation (PDF)
CC.PP.014Modifier -59 clinical validation (PDF)
CC.PP.015Moderate Conscious Sedation (PDF)
CC.PP.016Global Maternity Billing (PDF)
CC.PP.017Never Paid Events (PDF)
CC.PP.018Inpatient Only Procedures (PDF)
CC.PP.019Physician Visit Codes Billed with Labs (PDF)
CC.PP.020Distinct Procedural Modifiers (PDF)
CC.PP.021Clean Claims (PDF)
CC.PP.023Hospital Visit Codes Billed with Labs (PDF)
CC.PP.024Cosmetic Procedures (PDF)
CC.PP.025Pulse Oximetry (PDF)
CC.PP.027Professional Component (PDF)
CC.PP.028Modifier to Procedure Code Validation (PDF)
CC.PP.029Assistant Surgeon (PDF)
CC.PP.030Add on Code Billed Without Primary Code (PDF)
CC.PP.031NCCI Unbundling (PDF)
CC.PP.032Supplies Billed on Same Day As Surgery (PDF)
CC.PP.033Multiple CPT Code Replacement (PDF)
CC.PP.034Modifier DOS Validation (PDF)
Sleep Studies Place of Services (PDF)
CC.PP.036New Patient (PDF)
CC.PP.037Bilateral Procedures (PDF)
CC.PP.038Inpatient Consultation (PDF)
CC.PP.039Outpatient Consultation (PDF)
CC.PP.040Same Day Visits (PDF)
CC.PP.041Pre-Operative Visits (PDF)
CC.PP.042Post-Operative Visits (PDF)
CC.PP.043Unbundled Professional Services (PDF)
CC.PP.044Duplicate Primary Code Billing (PDF)
CC.PP.045Unbundled Surgical Procedures (PDF)
CC.PP.046Status "B" Bundled Services (PDF)
CC.PP.047Transgender Related Services (PDF)
CC.PP.049Status P Bundled Services (PDF)
CC.PP.051E&M Medical Decision-Making (PDF)
CC.PP.052Problem Oriented Visits with Surgical Procedures (PDF)
CC.PP.053Leveling of ER Services (PDF)
CC.PP.055Physician's Office Lab Testing (PDF)
CC.PP.056Urine Specimen Validity Testing (PDF)
CC.PP.057Problem Oriented Visits with Preventative Visits (PDF)
CC.PP.060Not Medically Necessary IP Serv (PDF)
CC.PP.061Pelvic and Transabdominal US (PDF)
CC.PP.061Non-obstetrical and Obstetrical Transabdominal and Transvaginal Ultrasounds (PDF) Effective 1/1/2021
CC.PP.064Emergency Department (ED) Outpatient Facility Coding Policy Enhancement (PDF) Effective 8/1/2021
CC.PP.065Multiple Diagnostic Cardiovascular Procedure Payment Reduction (PDF) Effective 9/1/2020
CC.PP.066Leveling of Care: Evaluation & Management Overcoding (PDF) Updating 9/1/2022
CC.PP.067Renal Hemodialysis (PDF) Effective 1/1/2021
CC.PP.068Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction for Therapeutic Services (PDF) Effective 1/1/2021
CC.PP.069Multiple Procedure Reduction: Ophthalmology (PDF) Effective 1/1/2021
CC.PP.070340B Drug Payment Reduction (PDF) Effective 11/1/2021
CC.PP.206 Skilled Nursing Facility Leveling (PDF) Effective 1/1/2024
CC.PP.5003-Day Payment Window (PDF)
CC.PP.50130-Day Readmission (PDF)
CC.PP.502Wheelchair Accessories (PDF)
MC.CP.MP.106Endometrial Ablation (PDF)

For Ambetter information, please visit our Ambetter website.